CAS Reflection #1: Leaning Outcome 4 S

    This summer, I was blessed enough to be able to buy a project truck. This had always been my dream truck ever since I was little. My dad had a similar style of a truck when years ago, and when I saw this one on the market, I knew it was finally time to buy it. The truck was relatively cheap, it was $1,600. It had a bad motor and didn't want to stay on. It would overheat, and wouldn't turn on after. But on the outside, there was around $1,200 of cosmetics done to it, so I knew this was the one. We went 30 minutes out of my house and went to go view the truck. It was in relatively good shape, it had some paint damage to it, and some spots that need to be buffed, but other than that, it was worth the price. We tried to negotiate, to see if there was anyway since it had a bad motor if we could drop to at least 1200, he wouldn't budge. We accepted it and took it home. It drove amazing, the interior is very clean for being 1990. The thing was the cluster wouldn't work so we didn't know it was overheating. We were able to make it home safely but it wouldn't turn on, so we were forced to push it into our driveway. We all celebrated because it was finally time I built my own car. This concluded day 1 of the build. On day 2, we were able to find someone with a motor that would fit perfectly in mine. It was still in another truck, but the guy said he would take it out and have it by end of the day, and he did. We got it that night, paid around 350 for it, and unloaded it ready for day 3, which started the engine swap process. We began our day by cleaning the entire engine, making sure there were no leaks, no external damages we could see; It was super clean. We began the process of taking out the old motor, and that took the whole day. There are a lot of technical words included in taking out.a motor. We first took off the motors which connect to the old engine. We next took off the starter which lets the car turn on. After we disconnected any cables or wires that are connected to the engine. Essentially you want to disconnect anything that is connected to the truck or vehicle. After 1 day, we took out the old motor and were ready to put the new one in. We had taken like a two-day break because we were tired and sore, but after we got right to work. We put the new motor in and started connecting everything. We then realized that the transmission twisted to the left and it was very difficult to put badly. We had to consult with a mechanic to help us untwist it. We then left the project undone for a month. We had been very busy and couldn't put our attention to it. After we consulted the same mechanic and he helped us finish the truck. 2 days later, we get the truck running and were able to take it home. There were still some small details wrong with it but it was still driveable and able to make it home. At home, we checked all oil levels and water levels and everything worked perfectly. Finally, after what seemed like forever I had a truck to drive around. I had some small details to work on like the wheels, the paint, and the mufflers, but it was still amazing. My neighbor had said he would paint my truck and my cousin gave me a muffler so we could put on. My mother had finally told me how she truly felt about the truck and she said she felt like it wasn't reliable. I couldn't argue with her since this was the truck I was going to use for school, and if she felt like it wasn't going to be reliable, it was time to sell it. After 1 day on the market, the truck had so many offers. We had found the right guy and he came to look at it and he picked it up. He gave us $2,500 and we sent the truck off. 


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